Yazar "Çınarka, Halit" için listeleme
Arterial stiffness measured via carotid femoral pulse wave velocity is associated with disease severity in COPD
Çınarka, Halit; Kayhan, Servet; Gümüş, Aziz; Durakoğlugil, Murtaza Emre; Erdoğan, Turan; Ezberci, İbrahim; Yavuz, Asiye; Özkaya, Şevket; Şahin, Ünal (Daedalus Enterprises Inc, 2014)BACKGROUND: Patients with COPD face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and increased cardiac mortality. Carotid femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV) is a validated measure of arterial stiffness, a well recognized ... -
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: medical treatment
Özsu, Savaş; Çınarka, Halit (Sage Publications Inc, 2013)Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is responsible for significant levels of morbidity and mortality. the estimated cumulative incidence of CTEPH is 2-4% among patients presenting with acute pulmonary ... -
The clinical utility of pleural YKL-40 levels in diagnosing pleural effusions
Kayhan, Servet; Gümüş, Aziz; Çınarka, Halit; Murat, Naci; Yılmaz, Adnan; Bedir, Recep; Şahin, Ünal (Pioneer Bioscience Publ Co, 2013)Background and objective: Recent evidence suggests that YKL-40 is a relatively new biomarker of inflammation and it is involved in the pathogenesis of several pulmonary diseases. Details of serum and pleural YKL-40 in ... -
Elevated serum levels of signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein1 (SCUBE1) are associated with poor pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) prognosis.
Özyurt, Songül; Karataş, Mevlüt; Gümüş, Aziz; Kara, Bilge; Çınarka, Halit; Şahin, Ünal (Allied Acad, 2017)Introduction: the prognostic role of SCUBE1 serum levels in PTE has best of our knowledge, not been previously investigated. Materials and methods: the study included 49 patients diagnosed as having acute PTE. This ... -
A five year mortality analysis in a chest disease hospital located in East Blacksea region
Amaç: Solunum sistemi hastalıkları, tüm yaş gruplarında ölüm nedenlerinin başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma, bir göğüs hastalıkları hastanesinde yatırılan yetişkin hastaların ölüm nedenlerini retrospektif araştırmaya yönelik ... -
High eerum YKL-40 level in patients with COPD is related to hypoxemia and disease severity
Gümüş, Aziz; Kayhan, Servet; Çınarka, Halit; Kırbaş, Aynur; Bulmuş, Necati; Yavuz, Asiye; Ünal, Şahin; Özkaya, Şevket (Tohoku Univ Medical Press, 2013)Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major health problem with increasing morbidity and mortality throughout the world. YKL-40 is a chitin-binding glycoprotein consisting of 383 amino acids, with a molecular ... -
In situ thrombosis in pulmonary arterial aneurysms due to Behçet's disease and efficacy of immunosuppressive therapy
Özkaya, Şevket; Şahin, Ünal; Gümüş, Aziz; Tasçı, Filiz; Çınarka, Halit; Yavuz, Asiye (BioMed Central Ltd., 2012)BehçetDisease (BD) is a systemic vasculitis characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers and uveitis, arthritis, and involvement of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and blood vessels. The aneurysms ... -
İki olgu nedeniyle lipoid pnömoni
Özyurt, Songül; Karataş, Mevlüt; Gümüş, Aziz; Çınarka, Halit; Ertürk, Ayşe; Kayhan, Servet; Şahin, Ünal (2015)Lipoid pnömoniler pnömoninin nadir bir formudur. Eksojen ve endojen olmak üzere iki tipi vardır. Ekso- jen formu genellikle yağlı maddelerin (hayvansal, bitkisel ya da mineral yağlar) kaza ile aspirasyonu sonucu meydana ... -
Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı akut alevlenmesi olan hastalardan izole edilen Pseudomonas aeruginosa suşlarında antibiyotik direnci
Demir, Nagihan; Yazıcı, Yelda; Çınarka, Halit; Yılmaz, Hülya Kılıç; Şengül, Canan; Babalık, Mesiha (2014)AMAÇ: Kronik obstru?ktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) akut alevlenmeler ile seyreden bir hastalıktır. Alevlenmeler dispne, balgam miktarı ve pu?ru?lansında artış ile kendini göstermektedir. Hastalığın tedavisinde bronkodilatatör ... -
A novel biomarker in the diagnosis of parapneumonic effusion: neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Gümüş, Aziz; Özkaya, Şevket; Özyurt, Songül; Çınarka, Halit; Kırbaş, Aynur; Şahin, Ünal; Ece, Ferah (BioMed Central Ltd., 2014)Background: The protein neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a mediator synthesized and released by neutrophils. Its physiological function is as yet unclear. Levels in blood increase in several inflammatory ... -
Prevalence of occupational asthma and respiratory symptoms in foundry workers
Kayhan, Servet; Tutar, Ümit; Çınarka, Halit; Gümüş, Aziz; Köksal, Nurhan (Hindawi Ltd., 2013)This cross-sectional study was conducted in a foundry factory to assess the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and occupational asthma in foundry workers. Physical examination, spirometric evaluation, chest radiograph, and ... -
Rates of new asthma diagnosis in patients with allergic rhinitis in otorhinolaryngology practice in the Eastern Black Sea region
Coşkun, Zerrin Özergin; Erdivanlı, Özlem Çelebi; Gümüs, Aaziz; Özgür, Abdulkadir; Çınarka, Halit; Oğurlu, Mahmut; Demirci, Münir; Dursun, Engin (International Scientific Information, Inc., 2016)Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common disease observed in otorhinolaryngology (ORL) practice. The aim of the study was to determine the rates of new asthma diagnosis in the patient population newly diagnosed with ... -
Relation between carotid intima-media thickness and aortic knob width in patients with essential hypertension
Erkan, Hakan; Korkmaz, Levent; Ağaç, Mustafa Tarık; Acar, Zeydin; Kiriş, Abdülkadir; Erkan, Merve; Korkmaz, Ayça Ata; Vatan, Bülent; Akyüz, Ali Rıza; Çınarka, Halit (2011)OBJECTIVE: The assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis is important in the evaluation of a hypertensive patient, as it provides information on the severity of the hypertension and the cardiovascular risk. The aim of this ... -
The relationship between echocardiographic pulmonary steam velocity, respiratory functional tests and nocturnal oxygen desaturation in COPD patients
Gümüş, Aziz; Çınarka, Halit; Kayhan, Servet (2013)The aim of the study is to investigate the relationships between nocturnal oxygen desaturation levels and echocardiographic findings to diagnose earlier the pulmonary arterial hypertension (PH) in chronic obstructive ... -
Role of red cell distribution width in assessing response to treatment and prognosis in community?acquired pneumonia: A prospective study
Çınarka, Halit; Gümüş, Aziz; Özyurt, Songül; Karataş, Mevlüt; Gıakoup, Derya; Cüre, Medine Cumhur; Kayhan, Servet; Doğan, Deniz; Şahin, Ünal (2019)BACKGROUND AND AIM: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) elevation occurs in various inflammatory/infectious conditions. RDW levels during monitoring have not been investigated prospectively in community?acquired pneumonia ... -
Six minute walk distance in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Gümüş, Aziz; Kayhan, Servet; Çınarka, Halit; Yavuz, Asiye; Yüce, Süleyman (Derman Medical Publishing, 2015)Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH), fonksiyonel kapasitede kı- sıtlanma ve egzersiz intoleransı ile karakterize progresif bir hastalıktır. 6 da- kika yürüme mesafesi (6DYM) KOAH’da fonksiyonel kapasitenin ... -
An unexpected cause of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in an immunocompetent young patient: Herpes simplex type 1 related pneumonia
Karataş, Mevlüt; Çınarka, Halit; Kayhan, Servet; Gümüş, Aziz; Bedir, Recep; Özyurt, Songül; Şahin, Ünal (2015)On sekiz yaşında erkek hasta nefes darlığı, öksürük, kanlı balgam şikayetiyle hastanemize başvurdu. Fizik bakıda vital bulguları normaldi. Alt dudakta herpes labialis ve akciğerler orta-alt bölgede inspiratuar raller ... -
A Wegener Granulomatosis case with a huge lung lesion mimicking lung cancer
Wegener granülomatozu primer olarak, akciğer, böbrek ve alt solunum yollarında hastalık yapan, küçük arterleri tutan bir vaskülit tipidir. Olgula- rın %50-90'nında akciğer tutulumu görülmektedir. Akciğer tutulumu nodül ya ... -
Yüksek plevral copeptin düzeyleri eksüdayı transüdadan ayırabilir
Giriş: Copeptin, arjinin-vazopressin ile birlikte farklı uyarılar sonucu nörohipofizden e ş zamanlı olarak salın ır. Fizyolojik fonksiyonu hala net de ğildir. Copeptinin artm ış kan düzeyleri birçok hastalıkta kötü prognozla ...