Yazar "Ayberk, Giyas" için listeleme
Akut iskemik inmede son yaklaşımlar
Kayacı, Selim; Gürkaş, Erdem; Bilen, Şule; Ayberk, Giyas; Özveren, Faik (Turkish Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2011)Recent technological developments caused new methods of techniques in the treatment of brain ischemia. These methods could be categorized into two types as acute stage interventions and preventive techniques for development ... -
Could infraclinoidal aneurysm cause interdural hemorrhage
Ayberk, Giyas; Özveren, Mehmet Faik (2011)Dear Editor, We read the paper by Brock et al. [1] with great interest. They have treated the patient in a very good manner. Magnetic resonace imaging showed a thin blood collection all along the dural lining of the ...