Yazar "Vural, Muhammet Enes" için listeleme
Dindarlık ve depresyon ilişkisinde anlamsızlığın aracı rolü
Vural, Muhammet Enes; Ayten, Ali (Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2021)The research focuses on the relationship and interaction between religiosity, depression, and the sense of meaninglessness. Accordingly, the study aims to determine whether meaninglessness has a mediating role in the effect ... -
KUR’AN ve PSİKOLOJİ Osman NECATİ Fecr Yayınları, Ankara, 2017
Vural, Muhammet Enes (2019)[Özet Yok] -
Testing the mediating role of existential meaning on the link between religiosity and satisfaction with life: A study on Turkish muslim university students
Vural, Muhammet Enes; Ayten, Ali (Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2022)This study aims to test the mediating role of meaning in life in the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction. The sample of the study recruited from 256 Turkish Muslim undergraduates from two different ...