Yazar "Yurdakul, Cüneyt" için listeleme
Advanced stage ovarian juvenile granuloza cell tumor causing acute abdomen: a case report
Bedir, Recep; Murtezaoğlu, Afşin Rahman; Calapoğlu, Ahmet Salih; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt (Acad Medical Sciences I R Iran, 2014)Ovary juvenile granulosa cell tumors (JGCT) are rate sex cord-stromal tumors that are most commonly encountered in prepubertal girls: These tumors can be of the adult type (95%) and juvenile type (5%). the main causes of ... -
Basal cell carcinoma arising within seborrheic keratosis
Bedir, Recep; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Güçer, Hasan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014)Malignant tumour development within a seborrheic keratosis (SK) is extremely rare. Though the most commonly developed malignant tumour is the basal cell carcinoma (BCC), other tumour types have also been reported in ... -
A case of rectal neuroendocrine tumor presenting as polyp
Rakıcı, Halil; Akdoğan, Remzi Adnan; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Cantürk, Neşe (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2015)Neuroendocrine tumor (NET) is detected in the examination of polypectomy material, presenting as rectal polyp. Since this is a rare case, we aimed to summarize the approach to rectal NET's. (C) 2015 the Authors. Published ... -
Chondroid syringomas: an immunohistopatological analysis
Bedir, Recep; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Murtezaoğlu, Ain R.; Üstüner, Pelin (Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2016)BACKGROUND: Chondroid syringoma is a rare benign skin adnexal tumor composed of both epithelial and mesenchymal components, and is known as a cutaneous mixed tumor. Its clinical diagnosis is generally incorrect, and an ... -
Clear cell atypical fibroxantoma: a rare variant of atypical fibroxanthoma and review of the iterature
Bedir, Recep; Ağırbaş, Şule; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Elmas, Ömer (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014)Atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) is a superficial variant of pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Clear cell atypical fibroxanthoma (CCAFXA) is a rare variant of atypical fibroxanthoma. A 74-year-old male patient presented ... -
Ekrin porokarsinom: Olgu sunumu
Bedir, Recep; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Aydın, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Mürtezaoğlu, Afşın Rahman (2013)Ekrin porokarsinom, ekrin ter bezlerinin intraepidermal ekrin duktuslardan köken alan nadir görülen malign bir tümördür. Porokarsinoma genellikle yaşlı insanlarda görülür ve en sık alt ektremitelerde lokalizasyon gösterir. ... -
Fatal orbital necrotizing fasciitis secondary to stenotrophomonas maltophilia associated stomatitis
Karan, Nazife Begüm; Köse, Rüştü; Kalyoncu, Anıl; Şekeryapan, Berrak; Öter, Kamile; Fındık, Hüseyin; Yurdakul, Cüneyt (Elsevier Science Bv, 2019)An 81-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus presented with signs of orbital cellulitis and a gangrenous ulcer on the right palate. Biopsy analysis confirmed a diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis. Surgical debridement of ... -
The importance of cytokeratin 19 expression in the differentiation of basal cell carcinoma and trichoepithelioma
Bedir, Recep; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Saygın, İsmail; Üstüner, Pelin; Dilek, Nursel (Premchand Shantidevi Research Foundation, 2015)Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin neoplasm reported in human. on the other hand, trichoepithelioma (TE) is a rare, benign tumour of skin adnexa. the differentiation of BCC and TE may be ... -
Inflammatory pseudotumor of the epididymis: a case report and review of the literature
İnflamatuar psödotümor (İPT) epididimde nadir görülen benign tümör benzeri bir lezyondur. Vücudumuz- daki akciğer ve genitoüriner sistem gibi parankimatöz organların myofibrohistiyositik proliferasyonudur. Kırk sekiz yaşında ... -
Mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: A clinicopathologic study of our series and retrospective analysis
Bedir, Recep; Güçer, Hasan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Bağci, Pelin; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Balık, Gülşah; Kağitci, Mehmet (2013)Objective: Mature cystic teratomas are the most common benign ovarian tumors. It is accounts for about 15-20% of all ovarian neoplasm. This is a retrospective study of patients with a diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma ... -
Matür yağ dokuları içeren tiroid lezyonlarının retrospektif analizi
Bedir, Recep; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Güçer, Hasan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Mürtezaoğlu, Afşın Rahman; Aydın, Halil İbrahim (2014)Amaç: Bu çalışmada, merkezimizde nodüler guatr nedeni ile opere edilen hastaların tiroidektomi materyallerinde matür yağ dokuları içeren lezyonların retrospektif olarak saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: 2010 -2013 yılları ... -
Meningiomlarda Kİ-67, PCNA ve progesteron reseptör durumunun önemi
Özet Amaç: Meningiomlar biyolojik potansiyeli ve klinik davranışı ile geniş bir tümör grubunu temsil etmektedir. Santral sinir sisteminin en sık görülen tümörleri olup, atipik ve malign meningiom tiplerinin nüks oranı ... -
Mide çıkış obstrüksyonuna yol açan i̇nflamatuvar fibroid polip gastroenteroloji
Inflamatuvar fibroid polipler genellikle midede bulunur,ancak gastrointestinal sistemin her yerinde debulunabilir. Onların yaygınlığı çoğunlukla altıncı veyedinci dekaddadır. Bizim olgumuzda olduğu gibi,kadınlardainflama ... -
Nadir görülen bir böbrek tümörü: Müsinöz tübüler ve iğsi hücreli karsinom
Müsinöz tübüler ve iğsi hücreli karsinom yakın geçmişte tanımlanmış, nadir görülen bir böbrek tümörüdür. Literatürde tek olgu veya küçük olgu serileri şeklinde bildirilmiş- tir. Tümör düşük dereceli, rölatif olarak iyi ... -
Periferal Ossifying Fibrom: Vaka Raporu
Köse, Oğuz; Tahan, Erhan; Yurdakul, Cüneyt (2014)Bu makalede 41 yaşındaki bir bayan hastanın üst çene vestibüler dişetinde görülen periferal ossifying fibrom (POF) vakasının klinik, radyolojik ve histopatolojik özelliklerinin sunulması amaçlanmıştır. POF'un klinik ve ... -
Relationship between 18F-FDG uptake on PET/CT and expression of Ki-67 and p53 proteins in patient with lung cancer: a clinocopathologic study
Bedir, Recep; Yusufoğlu, Baran; Bilir, Cemil; Güngör, Serkan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Asa, Sertaç; Morçalı, Hasan (Springer, 2015)Introduction Lung cancer is the 2nd most common malignancy in both of men and women. It is also the most common cause of cancer related deaths.1 Nearly 85% of lung cancers were diagnosed as large cell carcinoma, ... -
Relationships between C-kit expression and mean platelet volume in benign, preneoplastic and neoplastic endometrium
Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Bedir, Recep; Ural, Ülkü Mete; Güçer, Hasan; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Cüre, Medine Cumhur; Cüre, Erkan; Yüce, Süleyman; Şahin, Figen Kır (Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, 2015)Background: c-Kit is a proto-oncogene that encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor (CD117). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a useful marker for demonstrating thrombocyte function. We aimed to investigate whether c-kit is expressed ... -
The role of p16, p21, p27, p53 and Ki-67 expression in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas and keratoacanthomas: an immunohistochemical study
Bedir, Recep; Güçer, Hasan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Bağcı, Pelin; Üstüner, Pelin Doğa (Galenos Publ, 2016)Background: Distinguishing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) from keratoacanthoma (KA) by histopathological features may not be sufficient for a differential diagnosis, as KAs may, in some cases, imitate well-differentiated ... -
The role of the adhesion molecule Nectin-4 in the pathogenesis of endometriosis
Bedir, Recep; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Balık, Gülşah; Kağıtçı, Mehmet; Gücer, Hasan; Yurdakul, Cüneyt; Bağcı, Pelin (I R O G Canada, Inc, 2016)Objective: Nectins are immunoglobulin-like adhesion molecules, and they play important role in cell proliferation and tumor metastasis. the objective in this study was to compare the expression of Nectin-4 in normal ...