The local structure and magnetic correlations in La(Fei(1-x)Mn(x))AsO system

Göster/ Aç
Hacısalihoğlu, Muammer YasinParis, Eugenio
Simonelli, Lucia
Joseph, Boby
Provino, Alessia
Lamura, Gianrico
Martinelli, Alberto
Manfrinetti, Pietro
Aquilanti, Giuliana
Öztürk, Kemal
Dore, P.
Putti, M.
Saini, Naurang L.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Hacisalihoglu, M. Y., Paris, E., Simonelli, L., Joseph, B., Provino, A....& Saini, N.L. (2019). The local structure and magnetic correlations in La(Fei(1-x)Mn(x))AsO system. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 134, 319-323.Özet
The local structure of La(Fei(1-x)Mn(x))AsO, showing suppression of long-range magnetic order by Mn-substitution, has been studied. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements at As K-edge and Fe K-edge are used to probe the atomic correlations in the FeAs-layer. We have found that both Fe-As and Fe-Fe bondlengths tend to increase with increasing Mn concentration. the associated mean square relative displacements (MSRD) reveal a gradual increase indicating increased local disorder in the FeAs-layer with Mn content. the results reveal that the FeAs-layer thickness, measured by the As-height (h(AS),) from the Fe-Fe plane, is correlated with the Neel temperature. Furthermore, Fe K beta X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) shows a sharp increase in the Fe local magnetic moment with Mn substitution. the importance of the FeAs layer thickness in describing magnetic correlations in La(Fe1-xMnx)AsO is discussed.