Assessment of delegation level in nurse managers
Kurt, Ş., Köse, B.G., Balık, N.T & Öztürk, H. (2018). Assessment of delegation level in nurse managers. 2Nd International Congress of Nursing (Icon-2018), 69-77.Özet
This study was done in order to explore delegation levels among nurse managers. the population of this descriptive study was done with 22 nurses who accepted to participate in the study out of 50 nurse managers. the data were collected through a survey form that addressed nurses' demographic characteristics and Scale for Nurse Managers Delegation Level. the data were analysed with percentages, Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U. General delegation level of nurse managers was found to be 2.81 +/- 0.57. However, such sub-dimensions of the scale as gender, success in time-management, working hours, submission to others' requests in name of the clinical unit and being a guide for nursing processes at the units affected average sub-dimension scores of delegation among nurse managers and these findings were statistically significant.