Doğuşundan günümüze İslam felsefesi, yazar Roy Jackson, çeviren Atilla Alan (İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2017)
Karadeniz, İ. (2017). Doğuşundan Günümüze İslam Felsefesi, yazar Roy Jackson, çeviren Atilla Alan (İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2017). Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi, 21(39, 21115-2118.Abstract
The work titled "What is Islamic Philosophy?" which is the subject of our evaluation was translated into Turkish with the name of "Doguundan Gilnamtize Islam Felsefesi". the target group of the work designed as a course book was determined to be the students who have trained in the West and know nothing or little about Islam by the author. the aim of this paper is to examine the work both in terms of content and the audience the author is targeting. in this respect, when compared to the "Introduction to Islamic Philosophy" books translated into Turkish, it will be shown that the work lacks an academic contribution to the Turkish reader.