Examination of awareesses of teacher candidates regarding measurement and evaluaton lesson
Tasdemir, F., (2015). Examination Of Awareesses Of Teacher Candidates Regarding Measurement And Evaluaton Lesson. 7Th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 197, 1388-1392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.083Özet
Therefore the aim of the research is to examine the awareness of teacher candidates about measurement and evaluation lesson which will play an important role in their professional lives. Research group consists of 95 teachers having this lesson in education faculty. As data collection tool, interview form and personal information form, which were developed by researcher, were used. in the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, percentage and frequency were used. Their opinions were determined in light of this information, frequency and percentages of data obtained in the applied interview form were calculated and submitted with the help of table and graphs. 93% of the teacher candidates think that measurement and evaluation is the most important lesson in the faculty, 88% of them think that measurements which don't have constant and systematic errors are certainly necessary for objective evaluation, 75% of them emphasized that measurement methods of reliability coefficients which are used in determination of the reliability of measurement tool is important and due to the difficulty of these calculations only 16% of them stated that they will perform these calculations. 96% of the candidates stated that their knowledge about measurement and evaluation before taking the lesson significantly improved at the end of the lesson and that a positive awareness was formed. Candidates stated that measurement is a part of evaluation and that their learning about the points to consider about item writing and how measurements without errors will be made, caused them to question how they were evaluated until that day. (C) 2015 the Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.