Effects of selection on allometric relationships between egg components and egg weight in Japanese quails of different lines
Alkan, S., Mendes, M., Karabağ, K. & Karslı, T. (2010). Effects of selection on allometric relationships between egg components and egg weight in Japanese quails of different lines. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde, 74(2), 121-125.Özet
The purpose of this study was to determine allometric relationships between egg components and egg weight in 11 generations of selected Japanese quails from different lines. The birds were obtained from four genetic lines selected for 11 generations for either high (HL) or low body weight (LL) at five weeks of age, a randomly bred control line (C) and a layer line (L) selected for egg production over 120 days. Significant differences were observed among lines for egg width, egg length, yolk width, yolk height, albumen width, albumen height and albumen length with respect to b-parameter. Positive allometry was determined for egg width, egg length and albumen length for all lines. After all, negative allometry was found for yolk weight in HL, LL, L lines, for yolk width in HL line, for albumen height in LL, L, C lines, and for albumen width in HL line. The highest coefficient of determination was determined as 0.771 between egg width and egg weight in HL line. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.