Analysis of regional wild-type cereals in Trabzon-Turkey by EDXRF spectrometry
Çevik, U., Genç, H., Baltaş, H. & Ertuğrul, B. (2007). Analysis of regional wild-type cereals in Trabzon-Turkey by EDXRF spectrometry. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16(4), 359-363.Özet
The energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectroscopy was used to determine essential and trace element contents of some naturally grown wild-type cereals collected in different regions of Trabzon, Turkey. The samples were quantitatively analyzed using the standard addition method. The experimental set-up consisted of a Si(Li) detector, a multi-channel analyzer, and a 241Am and 55Fe radioactive source. The Si(Li) detector has a 13 ?m Bewindow and energy resolution of about 160 eV at 5.9 keV. Qualitative analysis of spectral peaks showed that the samples contained chlorine, potassium, calcium, titanium, iron, copper, strontium, yttrium, tin and barium. The results demonstrated that these cereals contain elements of vital importance for the human metabolism. © by PSP.