Angular distributions of protons scattered by Ar40 nuclei with excitation of the 2+(1.46 MeV) and 3-(3.68 MeV) collective levels for incident energies of 25.1, 32.5, and 40.7 MeV

Göster/ Aç
Okumuşoğlu, Nazmi TuranGörür, F. Korkmaz
Birchall, J.
Soukhovitskii, E.Sh.
Capote, R.
Quesada, J.M.
Chiba, S.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Okumuşoğlu, N.T., Görür, F.K., Birchall, J., Soukhovitskii, E: Sh., Capote, R., Quesada, J.M. & Chiba, S. (2007). Angular distributions of protons scattered by 40Ar nuclei with excitation of the 2+(1.46 MeV) and 3−(3.68 MeV) collective levels for incident energies of 25.1, 32.5, and 40.7 MeV. Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 75(3), 034616.Özet
Elastic and inelastic scattering of unpolarized and polarized protons by Ar40 nuclei for incident energies between 20 and 50 MeV has been studied by reanalyzing experimental scattering spectra for the 2+(1.46 MeV) and 3-(3.68 MeV) levels in the angular range 30°â€"160 ° for incident protons of energies of 25.1, 32.5, and 40.7 MeV. An isospin dependent soft-rotator coupled-channels optical model with the potential containing a dispersive term with a nonlocal contribution is used to analyze the data. © 2007 The American Physical Society.