Is increased mean platelet volume a risk factor in patients with acute deep vein thrombosis?
kalkan, A., Memetoğlu, M.E., Bilir, Ö., Ersunan, G., Kutlu, R. & Tutar, N. (2012). Is increased mean platelet volume a risk factor in patients with acute deep vein thrombosis?. Turkiye Acil Tip Dergisi, 12(2), 82-86.Özet
Amac: Bu retrospektif calismanin amaci, ortalama tombosit hacmini, akut derin ven trombozlu hastalarda ve kontrol grubunda karsilastirmaktir. Hastalar ve Yontem: Veriler, hastalarin medical kayitlarindan retrospektif olarak elde edildi. Calisma grubu, yeni teshis edilmis alt ekstremite akut derin ven trombozlu 110 hastadan olustu. Yas, cinsiyet ve vucut kitle oranlari karsilastirilmis kontrol grubu, normal dupleks ultrason bulgulu 98 hastadan olustu. Ortalama trombosit hacmini, akut derin ven trombozlu hastalarda ve kontrol grubunda istatistiki olarak karsilastirdik. Bulgular: Ortalama trombosit hacmi (8.8 ± 1.6 karsi 8.7 ± 1.3 fl, sirasiyla; p > 0.05) bakimindan calisma ve kontrol gruplarinda belirgin farklilik izlenmedi. Yas (p = 0.899), vucut kitle orani (p = 0.43), cinsiyet (p = 0.466) ve trombosit sayisi (p = 0.886) her iki grup icin istatistiki olarak benzerdi. Sonuc: Ortalama trombosit hacmi yonunden akut derin ven trombozlu hastalar ve kontrol grubunda istatistiki olarak belirgin bir fark yoktu. Bulgularimiza gore, ortalama trombosit hacminin, akut derin ven trombozunun bir gostergesi olmadigini dusunmekteyiz. Objective: The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the mean platelet volume between the patients with acute deep vein thrombosis and control subjects. Patients and Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from the patients' medical records. The study group consisted of 110 patients with newly diagnosed acute deep vein thrombosis in lower extremities. An age-, gender-, and body mass index-matched control group consisted of 98 patients with normal duplex ultrasound findings. We compared the mean platelet volume in patients with acute deep vein thrombosis and control participants statistically. Results: There were no significant differences between the study and control groups in mean platelet volume (8.8 ± 1.6 vs 8.7 ± 1.3 fl, respectively; p >0.05).Age (p = 0.899), body mass index (p = 0.43), gender (p = 0.466), and platelet count (p = 0.886) were statistically similar in both groups. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in patients with acute deep vein thrombosis in mean platelet volume compared to controls statistically. According to our result, we suggest that mean platelet volume cannot be considered as an index of acute deep vein thrombosis.
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