The flora of Ilısu/Turkey (Hasankeyf) and its conservation
Atamov, V., Çetin, E., Aslan, M. & Cevher, C. (2014). The flora of Ilısu/Turkey (Hasankeyf) and its conservation. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(1), 16-31.Özet
Bu çalışmada Hasankeyf (Ilısu) ve çevresinin florası tespit edilmiştir. 279 cinse ait 472 takson ve 64 familya tanımlanmıştır. Gymnospermlere ait 2 takson dışındaki diğer 469 takson Angiospermlere aittir. En zengin familyalar 68 taksonla Asteraceae, 58 taksonla Poaceae, Fabaceae 57, Brassicaceae 31, Apiaceae 27, Lamiaceae 24, Boraginaceae 22 ve Caryophyllaceae 21; büyük cinsler olarak Trifolium 13 taksonla, Centaurea 10, Crepis 9, Bromus ve Medicago 8, Aegilops, Vicia, Euphorbia herbiri 7 taksonla, Trigonella, Alyssum, Silene ve Polygonum 6 taksonla, Hordeum 5 takson ile en zengin familyalardır. Terofitler 252 ve Hemikriptofitler 129 taksonla baskındırlar. Fanerofitler 45 ve Kamefitler 36 üyeli olup, otsu bitkiler %90.9, çalılar %5.1 ve ağaçlar % 4.0'lük orana sahiptirler. Fitocoğrafik bölgelere göre dağılımı bakıldığında 88 takson İran-Turan, 51 takson Akdeniz ve 16 takson Avrupa-Sibirya elementidirler. 20 takson tehdit altında olup, endemiktirler ve sadece bu bölgede yaşamaktadırlar. In this study, the flora of Ilısu (Hasankeyf) and it's environs was exemined. 472 taxa belonging to 279 genera and 64 families were idendified. Except 2 taxa belong to Gymnospermae, the remaining 469 taxa are in Angiospermae group. The richest families are Asteraceae with 68 taxa, Poaceae 58, Fabaceae 57, Brassicaceae 31, Apiaceae 27, Lamiaceae 24, Boraginaceae 22, and Caryophyllaceae 21; as the major genera, Trifolium with 13 taxa, Centaurea 10, Crepis 9, Bromus and Medicago 8, each of Aegilops, Vicia, Euphorbia with 7 taxa, Trigonella, Alyssum, Silene, and Polygonum with 6 taxa, Hordeum with 5 taxa are the richest genera. The therophytes with 252 taxa and hemicryptophytes with 129 taxa are dominant. The number of phanerophytes are 45 and chamephytes are 36. Herbaceous plants are 90.9 % . 5.1 % are shrubs and 4.0 %are trees. According to phytogeographic regions, 88 taxa are belong to Irano-Turan region while 51 taxa are Mediterranean element and 16 taxa are Euro-Sibirean element. 20 taxa are under threatened and these taxa are endemic and live only in this region