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dc.contributor.authorAktaş, Elif
dc.contributor.authorYurt, Serap Uzuner
dc.identifier.citationAktaş, E. & Uzuner Yurt, S. (2015). Türkçe eğitimi alanındaki makale özetlerine yönelik bir içerik analizi. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 10(7), 73-96.en_US
dc.description.abstractet, bilimsel bir araştırma raporunun en önemli kısımlarından biridir. İyi hazırlanmış bir özet, okuyucular için makalenin tümünü okumadan onun hakkında fikir sahibi olmayı ve zaman kaybetmeden yazının içeriğine yoğunlaşmayı sağlamaktadır. Bunun için özette açık, anlaşılır, net ve kısa ifadelere yer vermek gerekir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de SSCI ve Ulakbim sosyal bilimler veri tabanlarında taranan dergilerdeki Türkçenin eğitimi ve öğretimi alanında 2004-2013 yılları arasında yayımlanan 724 adet araştırma makalesinin özetlerini çeşitli kriterler açısından analiz etmektir. Çalışmada betimsel araştırma türlerinden genel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen makaleler, araştırmacılar tarafından bilimsel bir araştırma rapor özetinin hangi bilgileri içermesi gerektiği konusunda ilgili alan yazın/literatür taranarak hazırlanan ve uzman görüşü alınarak son şekli verilen "Türkçe Eğitimi Makalesi Özet Analiz Formu" kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Yapılan içerik analizi sonucunda elde edilen verilere ait yüzde ve frekanslar tablo hâlinde sunulmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre Türkçe eğitimi alanındaki makale özetlerinin büyük bir kısmının amaç ve sonuç dışında bilgi içermediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca makalelerin özet kısmında metodoloji ile ilgili bilgilerin eksik olduğu, bulgu, sonuç ve önerilere çoğunlukla yer verilmediği tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularından elde edilen sonuçlara göre şu öneriler geliştirilmiştir: Türkçe eğitimi makalelerinin özet bölümlerinde araştırmanın örneklem/çalışma grubu, bulguları, sonuçları ve önerileri" ile ilgili bilgilere yer verilmelidir. Türkçe eğitimi alanındaki makalelerin özetleri; değerlendirme ve yayımlama sürecinde editör ve hakemler tarafından kontrol edilmeli; yeterli ve gerekli bilgiler içermeyen yazılar yayımlanmamalıdıren_US
dc.description.abstracttitle, content, references and tables. The most prominent part of a scientific research report is title and summary. A well-prepared summary provides to have an idea about it without reading all of the article and to focus on the content of the text without loss of time for readers. So, needs to give place for the clear, understandable, net and short phrases in summary. A well summary should specify the scope of the research and main aims, definite the used methodology, summarize the findings, indicate the main results, and provide recommendations based on these results (Büyüköztürk vd., 2011: 297). Also, summary should be written in fluent language, it must contain a clear and uncomplicated expressions. When related literature was scanned, was not observed the study related to summary which is most notable part of a scientific research report. Generally research classified in studies that determine the trends, Turkish publications made in the area of education and training; types and methods of the article, issue areas, data collection instruments used in the article, in terms of data analysis methods and sample (Varışoğlu, Şahin, Göktaş, 2012; Göktaş, Hasançebi, Varışoğlu, Akçay, Bayrak, Akbulut, Sözbilir, 2012; Eyüp, Yurt, Stebler, 2012; Şahin, Kana, Varışoğlu, 2013; Coşkun, Özçakmak, Balcı, 2011; Arslan, 2012; Coşkun, Özçakmak, Balcı, 2012).Examination for the report's summaries of the scientific research is extremely limited. Çelik, Gedik, Karaman, Demirel and Göktaş (2014) in the study titled "the mistakes faced in Education article and their effects to rejected ", in the process of referees and editors as indicate "Short summary (self) not reflect the research" that one of the reasons for rejection of articles. Therefore a well prepared brief summary, eliminates one of the reasons for rejection of articles. Sevim and Özdemir Erem (2012) examine the title and summary of the 128 master thesis in terms of various criteria in the area of Turkish Education. The result of research have demonstrated that they were insufficient except of containing the purposes of summaries. Coşkun and Kan (2013) have evaluated 216 pieces of master thesis summary in terms of the writing techniques that made in the area of Educational Sciences and they have determined that successful in expressing the purpose of summary and the findings with the results, unsuccessful in expressing the methods. This study aims to fill a gap in the area by examining indexed article summaries in terms of various criteria by SSCI and ULAKBİM database in Turkey between 2004 and 2013. Also by this work aims to provide guiding information to not fall into a similar mistakes while preparing their reports to researchers and contribute to the efforts made in this regard. In this study general screening model of the types of descriptive research was used. Education and training of Turkish were examined by scanning related literature and taking expert opinion according to specified criteria that made summaries of 724 research articles between the years 2004-2013. Data were analysed by the content analysis method. In the study categorical content analysis from qualitative data analysis methods were used. In the analysis result is tabulated according to data obtained frequencies and percentages, years and magazines. The study sample in Turkey SSC (n = 5) ULAKBIM Social Sciences (n = 29) in the database 724 Turkish education article that indexed and allowed access to the electronic media in the 34 journal, constitutes between the years 2004-2013. Due to only Turkish education articles was examined in this study purpose of sampling technique was used. As data collection tools in the study is used "Analysis Form Abstract of Article in Turkish Education (TEMÖAF). Located examination categories in the data collection tool is prepared by researchers scanning the relevant literature and the final shape is given taking expert opinion. Subjects consist in analysis form: (1) Was a place given for the purpose of the investigation and / or the problem statement in the abstract? (2) Was a place given for the importance of research in the abstract? (3) Was a place given for samples of research or research / working group and knowledge of sample properties in the abstract? (4) Was a place given for information regarding the methodology of investigation in the abstract? (5) Was a place given for information related with the findings of the research in the abstract? (6) Was a place given for information on the result of the investigation in the abstract? (7) Was a place given for some suggestions in the abstract? (8) What is the distribution of the number of words in the abstract? (8) What is the distribution of the number of key words in the abstract? (10) What is the additional mode and the roof used in the abstract? (11) Is there any quote / reference / citation in the abstract? When distribution of substance "The goal of the research and / or Problem statement" in the summary of the Turkish education article analysed by year, it has been identified that in 658 of 724 article given place for the purpose of the investigation and / or the problem statement. When the distribution of 'The Importance of Research' substance examined, it has been identified that in the most studies (50.69%) not be mentioned about the importance of research. Considering the distribution of the 'Sample or study / research group' substance it draws attention that rate of giving place for sampling, study / research group in the abstract is increasing every year. It has been identified that in the great majority of 724 article (n = 500) included sampling. When viewed in accordance the year to the distribution of 'Research Methodology' substance rate of giving place for research methods is increasing every year. Meanwhile, considering generally it has been identified that in the majority of studies (60.08%) a place not given for knowledge of methods. Further, it is draws attention that in 544 of 724 abstracts was not given to research findings, in 180 of them was given. Most of the abstract article giving place to the findings belong to 2013 year with a rate of 37.5%, at least of them belong to 2007 year with a rate of 16.2%. It has been identified that giving a place of information on the result of the investigation in abstract of article of Turkish education is increasing every year. While in 435 abstracts of total 724 the survey results indicated, in 289 abstract the results of the study were not shared. When distribution of the 'Proposal' substances examined in abstract article of Turkish education, it is determined that in the 84,12% of the summary the proposal was not given, in 15.88% was given. It draws attention that in summary of the research article which gives place proposal knowledge are concentrated in 2013(96,30%) mostly. It has been identified that the number of key words in summary is between a maximum of 4-5 (n = 363) words; at least from the 0-1 (n = 3). It has been identified when examining the distribution of attachment mode and parties in abstracts, in 73,76% of abstract past tense suffix and passive roof was used, in 26.24% present tense and active roof was used. Further it was not observed the factors such as quote, citations, bibliography, table and shape in examined articles. According to findings of research the majority of abstract of the Turkish education field are not included information except of objectives and results. Further, the results have been reached that information related methodology is absent and finding result and suggestions mostly was not given in the summary of articles. This results also bears parallels between the results of the article in the field of Turkish education which examination of 128 summary of thesis in term of "The purpose, method / research model, workgroup / sampling, collection and analysis of data, the results", was made between 2005-2010 by Sevim and Özdemir Erem (2012). According to the results obtained from the research findings the following recommendations have been developed: The information about the "Problem situation, objectives, importance, methods, sample / working groups, findings, conclusions and recommendations" should be provided in abstract section of research of article of Turkish education. Clear, understandably, short and net sentences should be provided. Abstracts of article in the Turkish education field must be checked by the editors and referees in evaluation and publishing process; articles which not contain sufficient and necessary information should not be publisheden_US
dc.titleTürkçe eğitimi alanındaki makale özetlerine yönelik bir içerik analizien_US
dc.title.alternativeAn content analysis for article abstracts in Turkish education areaen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorAktaş, Elif
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanen_US

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