Metastasis to the tunica vaginalis as an i̇nitial manifestation of occult hepatoid type gastric cancer: a case report
Metin, Y., Orhan Metin, N., Özdemir, O., Uzun, H. & Bedir, R. (2017). Metastasis to the tunica vaginalis as an i̇nitial manifestation of occult hepatoid type gastric cancer: a case report. Metastasis to The Tunica Vaginalis as an İnitial Manifestation of Occult Hepatoid Type Gastric Cancer: A Case Report, 7(2), 162-165.Özet
Paratesticular metastases are extremely rare. Metastases in this area usually appear in the advanced stages of a known malignancy, but are sometimes the first manifestation, mimicking a primary testicular tumor. In this article, we present a patient with metastasis to the right tunica vaginalis testis who had scrotal swelling and pain as the first manifestation of an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)- producing hepatoid type gastric cancer. Paratestiküler metastazlar oldukça nadirdir. Bu alana olan metastazlar çoğunlukla bilinen kanserin ileri evreleri şeklinde izlenmekle birlikte nadiren de olsa primer testiküler tümörü taklit edebilir. Bu makalede, alfa feto-protein üreten hepatoid tip mide kanserinin, skrotal ağrı ve şişliğin eşlik ettiği tunika vaginalis metastazı şeklinde prezante olması sunulmaktadır.
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