The impact of the covıd-19 pandemic on the frequency of food consumption
Basaran, B. & Pekmezci Purut, H. (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Frequency of Food Consumption. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 9(1), 47-66.Özet
This study aimed to statistically analyze the change in the frequency of food consumption in the
pre-and during the COVID-19 pandemic period in terms of the demographic characteristics of
individuals. In this context, a food list consisting of 47 items and a 5-point Likert-type scale was
prepared to determine the frequency of food consumption. The data were collected with an
electronic questionnaire. The construct validity and reliability of the scale were examined with
Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and the Cronbach Alpha (α) reliability coefficient, respectively.
The data were analyzed by the Independent Sample T-Test and One-Way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA). Tukey test was used to determine the difference between groups. 3017 people with
different demographic characteristics participated in the study. Compared to the pre-pandemic
period, an increase was found in the frequency of dairy and breakfast products, vegetables, fruits,
and nutritional supplements consumption during the pandemic. On the other hand, it was seen that
there was a decrease in the frequency of bread group, meat products, and beverage consumption.
There are many statistically significant findings between the frequency of food consumption
according to demographic characteristics. It is estimated that lockdown, social isolation, the desire
to have a strong immune system, and economic problems, which are included in our lives due to
the pandemic, have led to a change in the frequency of food consumption. Besides, individuals
have tended to have a healthy diet during this period. This research is one of the most
comprehensive studies examining the frequency of food consumption during the COVID-19