Recently-discovered Bahçecik Au±Ag mineralization in the Eastern Pontides, Gümüşhane-NE Türkiye: geological and geochemical implications on the intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposit

Göster/ Aç
Revan, Mustafa KemalDemir, Yılmaz
Uysal, İ̇brahim
Özkan, Mustafa
Dumanlılar, Özcan
Şen, Cüneyt
Kara, Rasim Taylan
Hamzaçebİ, Semi
Göç, Deniz
Müller, Dirk
Tokoğlu, Mustafa
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Revan, M.K., Demir, Y., Uysal, İ., Özkan, M., Dumanlılar, Ö., Şen, C., Kara, R.T., Hamzaçebi, S., Göç, D., Mülleri D. & Tokoğlu, M. (2023). Recently-discovered Bahçecik Au±Ag mineralization in the Eastern Pontides, Gümüşhane-NE Türkiye: geological and geochemical implications on the intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposit. International Geology Review.Özet
Intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposits represent significant reservoirs of precious metals, playing a crucial role in global mining operations. The Anatolian Peninsula, predominantly characterized by relatively young (Tertiary) lithologies, hosts numerous occurrences of epithermal base and precious metal mineralization. Within the realm of research in Northeastern Anatolia, several hydrothermal alteration zones have emerged as indicators of concealed epithermal mineralization, with the Bahçecik mineralization standing out as a recent focal point. The Bahçecik mineralization represents an intermediate sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag system, hosted by Late Cretaceous andesitic rocks, as well as Eocene dacitic lava and tuffs. Employing U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon dating of the dacitic host rocks, the mineralization is estimated to have occurred during the Lutetian epoch (43.61 ± 0.35 Ma) or later. The genesis of the Bahçecik deposit is believed to be linked to postcollisional regional extensional tectonics, primarily controlling its structural arrangement. Comprising pyrite, chalcopyrite, low-Fe sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite/tennantite, enargite-luzonite, and gold-silver minerals, the deposit is accompanied by prominent gangue minerals such as Mn- and Ca-carbonates, quartz, and barite. Microprobe measurements have identified a majority of Au-Ag minerals (krennerite, buckhornite, and nagyagite) closely associated with sulphide minerals. Fluid inclusion data reveal that mineralization and fluid transportation occurred at temperatures ranging from 153 to 327°C, with solutions exhibiting salinity levels consistent with those of intermediate sulfidation deposits (1.7–7.3 wt.% NaCl). This study unequivocally classifies the Bahçecik mineralization as an intermediate sulfidation deposit, contrary to the conclusions drawn in previous research. Moreover, our investigation has unveiled the presence of a substantial ore resource, totalling 7.84 million tons, featuring 1.76 g/t Au and 2.24 g/t Ag. As an intermediate-type deposit, it shares characteristics with other subtypes within the epithermal class, bridging the realms of both high and low sulfidation systems.