Güncel Gönderiler: İlahiyat Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 148, listelenen: 141-148
Kelâmın yenilenmesine muhalefet tartışmaları üzerine bir tahlil
(Dinbilimleri Akad Arastirma Merkezi, 2019)As a result of the regression experienced in the last period of the Ottoman Empire, reform and approaches in every field came to the fore. These renovation efforts began not only in political and economic terms, but also ... -
Ammice fasih’in bozulmuş hali midir?: Fasih-ammice diyalektiğinin tarihsel serüveni
(Ilahiyat Bilimleri Arastirma Vakfi, 2019)This study aims to investigate the relationship between eloquent Arabic (fusha) and vernacular Arabic ((c)ammiya) depending on descriptive grammar approach. Unfortunately, the helpful data about pre-Islamic Arabic are ... -
Kutsal aptallık ve aptallar festivali - Orta Çağ’da bir dini festivalin betimsel analizi –
(Hitit Univ, 2019)This article is about a religious festival entitled "The Feast of Fools". the Feast of Fools was a festival celebrated annually on 1 January for the day of the Circumcision in many parts of Europe, and especially in France. ... -
Dinî boyutun psikolojik danışma sürecine etkisi: Üniversite öğrencileri ile yapılmış deneysel bir çalışma
(Ataturk Univ, Fac Theology, 2019)This study was conducted to test whether the psychological counseling process, including the religious dimension, is effective in eliminating the psychopathological levels of university students. the research was conducted ... -
Postfordist piyasada dindar iş adamlarının dini değerleri yeniden yorumlaması üzerine sosyolojik bir inceleme
(Dinbilimleri Akad Araştırma Merkezi, 2020)Post-fordist production is a part of postmodern life as well as referring to a new work style and business life of today. For this reason, there is a "reciprocity relationship" between post-fordism and postmodernism. As ... -
Dialectical encounters: contemporary Turkish muslim thought in dialogue
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020)..... -
Hz. Peygamber’e atılan çirkin bir iftira: Hz. Peygamber Zeyneb bint Cahş wvliliğinin Hz. Dâvûd Bat-Şeba evliliğine benzetilmesi
(Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2020)In an anecdote in the Holy Bible, there is a rumor that because the Prophet David wanted to marry a woman named Bathsheba, whom he saw, he commissioned her soldier husband Uriah the Hittite to cause him to die in the most ... -
Hafızlık eğitiminin öğrencilerin sosyal ve özgüven gelişimlerine etkisi -örgün eğitimle birlikte hafızlık yapan İHO öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma-
(Ataturk Univ, Fac Theology, 2020)In this research, the effects of Qur'anic memorization education during formal education were examined on the social and self-confidence development of the students. Qur'an memorization in formal education, which was put ...