Güncel Gönderiler: Mühendislik Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 1021, listelenen: 581-600
A new wide area-based algorithm to determine faulted line in series-compensated grid using k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classification method
(Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2021)Nowadays, series capacitors are frequently used to increase the transfer capacity and reduce losses on long transmission lines. They also play an important role in improving the voltage stability of the grid. In addition ... -
Effect of characteristics of natural zeolites on their geopolymerization
(Elsevier, 2021)The properties of clinoptilolite-based geopolymers are investigated with a focus on the parameters affecting the reactivity of clinoptilolite in a geopolymer binder. A complete characterization of raw materials was carried ... -
Carbon microrod material derived from human hair and its electrochemical supercapacitor application
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2021)Here, Turkish human hair fibers were used as a carbon source at the synthesis of human hair-sourced activated carbons (HHC). During the synthesis of HHCs sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) was added to the synthesis process for an ... -
Effect of arc re-melting on microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of commercial 390A alloy
(Elsevier, 2021)To investigate the effect of the arc re-melting on the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of the 390A alloy, its ingot produced by the conventional induction melting method was subjected to the arc ... -
Development and characterization of clinoptilolite-, mordenite-, and analcime-based geopolymers: A comparative study
(Elsevier, 2021)This study examines the development of geopolymers from clinoptilolite, mordenite, and anal-cime and compares the properties of the resulting green-binding materials. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solutions were ... -
Zayıf kaya kütlelerinde açılan tünellerde ampirik ve mümerik yöntemlerle duraylılık analizi
(2013)Zayıf kaya kütlelerinde açılacak tünellerin tasarımı, mühendislik jeolojisi açısından bazı zorluklar sunmaktadır. Tasarım aşamasında yapılacak küçük bir hata, kazı aşamasında maliyeti yüksek ve zaman alıcı sorunlara yol ... -
Sub-mikron boyutlarında üleksit mineralinin asfalt karışımların suya hassasiyetine etkisinin i̇ncelenmesi
(2017)Yol kaplamalarında görülen erken bozulmalar ve deformasyonlar genellikle bitümlü kaplamaların maruz kaldıkları suyun varlığından kaynaklı bozulmalardır. Gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu çalışma sayesinde ülkemizde rezervi bulunan ... -
Low-cost multimode diode-pumped Tm:YAG and Tm:LuAG lasers
(2019)We report a continuous-wave operation of Tm:YAG and Tm:LuAG lasers pumped with a low-cost, multimode AlGaAs laser diode. First, the lifetime and the absorbance behavior of 5 mm, 6% Tm3+ -doped YAG and LuAG crystals were ... -
Micro-Sized glucose biosensor based on composite pH sensor
(2018)Today's scientific and technical advances have led to significant advances in biosensor technology, leading to widespread use of biosensors in areas such as food technology, the environment, pharmaceuticals and clinical ... -
The Upper cretaceous calciclastic submarine fan deposits in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: facies architecture and controlling factors
(2013)The Tonya Formation, which represents the uppermost part of the Mesozoic sequence in the Eastern Pontides, consists of calciturbidites in Trabzon and its surrounding region. Two stratigraphic sections of the unit were ... -
A biochar-modified carbon paste electrode
(2017)The present work examıned the use of biochar derived from tea waste as a novel electrode material. For the fabrication of the biochar electrode, suitable amounts of biochar and graphite were mixed with mineral oil for the ... -
Heuristic algorithm-based estimation of rotor resistance of an induction machine by slot parameters with experimental veri cation
(2017)The estimations of induction machine equivalent circuit parameters are still being widely used in the analysis and in determining the characteristics of the machine. Since the most important part of the machine is the rotor ... -
N- ve P-tip katkılı Mg2Si1-xSnx katı alaşımlarının termal iletkenliklerinin teorik çalışması
(2017)Mg2Si1-xSnx katı alaşımları yüksek termoelektrik verimlilikleri sebebiyle 500 K’den 800 K’e kadar olan orta sıcaklılık aralığı için umut vaadeden termoelektrik materyallerdir. Bu çalışmada hem n- hem p-tip katkılı Mg2Si1-xSnx ... -
Dünyada ve Türkiye'de yapay kıyı beslemesi
(2016)Kıyı beslemesi, diğer isimleriyle "kıyı dolgusu, restorasyonu", denizden çıkartılan büyük miktarda kaliteli kumun, kumsala veya kıyıdan denize doğru yerleştirilerek, kıyıların korunması ve genişletilmesidir. Kıyı besleme ... -
Investigation of passive radar target detection performance improvement by using multiple co-located FM radio transmitters
(2019)Interest in passive radar systems is increasing because of its hidden operational capabilities, cost effectiveness and low maintenance requirements. The greatest advantage of these systems is that they can detect and follow ... -
Experimental study of single-phase fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular microchannels
(2018)In this study, single-phase laminar flow of deionized water through microchannel heat sinks is investigated experimentally. Heat sinks including twenty-nine parallel rectangular channels have been used as the test samples. ... -
Comparison of nonlinear static and dynamic analyses on A R/C building
(2013)In recent years, nonlinear calculation methods can be easily carried out by means of developing computer technologies. In this way, comparisons of the nonlinear methods have started to increase rapidly and more studies are ... -
Çok katmanlı kapton bant üzerindeki CoFe'in manyetik alan tepkili özelliklerinin incelenmesi
(2017)Esnek bir alttaş (Kapton bant) üzerinde manyetik olmayan bir ara katman üzerinde üretilen ferromanyetik [Fe65Co35]5/Cu/[Fe65Co35]5 çok katmanlı manyeto-tepki hücreleri elektron mikroskobu, Xışını kırınımı, manyetik ve ... -
Elyaf takviyeli polimer kompozit malzemelerin farklı delme yöntemleri ile delinmesinde kesme performansının değerlendirilmesi: Literatür Taraması
(2018)Elyaf takviyeli polimer kompozit (ETPK) malzemeler, yüksek mukavemet ve sönümleme, hafiflik, düşük termal genleşme gibi mühendislik özelliklerinden dolayı uzay ve havacılık sanayisinde cıvatalı, perçinli ve pimli bağlantılarda ... -
QPSK-dual carrier modulation for ultra-wideband communication in body area network channels
(2019)Dual carrier modulation (DCM) using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) improves the performance in multipath fading channels. In the literature DCM is proposed with 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) ...