Elastic scattering angular distribution for the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV within the NUMEN project

Göster/ Aç
Brischetto, G. A.Sgouros, O.
Carbone, D
Cappuzzello, F.
Cavallaro, M
Lubian, J.
DE Gregorio, G.
Agodi, C.
Calvo, D.
Lomeli, E. R. CHaVEZ
Ciraldo, I.
Delaunay, F.
Djapo, H.
(Eke, C.
Finocchiaro, P.
Fisichella, M.
Gargano, A.
Guazzelli, M. A.
Hacısalihoğlu, Aylin
Linares, R.
Medina, N. H.
Moralles, M.
Oliveira, J. R. B.
Pakou, A.
Pandola, L.
Soukeras, V.
Souliotis, G.
Spatafora, A.
Torresi, D.
Yıldırım, A.
Zagatto, V. A. B.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Brischetto, G., Sgouros, O., Carbone, D., Cappuzzello, F., Cavallaro, M., Lubian, J., ...& DE Gregorio. (2024). Elastic scattering angular distribution for the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV within the NUMEN project. Nuovo Cimento C-Coloquia and Communications in Physics, 47(2), 32. http://doi.org/10.1393/ncc/i2024-24032-1Özet
In the context of the NUMEN project, the 18O + 48Ti collision at 275 MeV incident energy was studied for the first time. In the adopted multichannel approach, the elastic scattering was measured in order to deduce the initial state interaction and the corresponding optical potential. The angular distribution of elastic scattering was determined across a wide range of scattering angles.