Investigation of 76Se(18O, 17O)75Se and 76Se(18O, 19F)75As transfer reactions at 15 MeV/u in a multi-channel approach within the NUMEN project

Göster/ Aç
Ciraldo, I.Cappuzzello, F.
Cavallaro, M.
Carbone, D.
Gargano, A.
De Gregorio, G.
Garcia-Tecocoatzi, H.
Santopinto, E.
Magana-Vsevolodovna, R. I.
Acosta, L.
Agodi, C.
Amador-Valenzuela, P.
Brischetto, G. A.
Burrello, S.
Calvo, D.
Lomeli, E. R. Chavez
Colonna, M.
Delaunay, F.
Djapo, H.
Eke, C.
Finocchiaro, P.
Fırat, S.
Fisichella, M.
Guazzelli, M. A.
Hacısalihoğlu, Aylin
Linares, R.
Medina, N. H.
Moralles, M.
Oliveira, J. R. B.
Pakou, A.
Pandola, L.
Petrascu, H.
(Pinna, F.
Sgouros, O.
Solakci, S. O.
Soukeras, V.
Souliotis, G.
Spatafora, A.
Torresi, D.
Tudisco, S.
Yıldırım, A.
Zagatto, V. A. B.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Ciraldo, I., Cappuzzello, F., Cavallaro, M., Carbone, D., Gargano, A., De Gregorio, G., ... Garcia-Tecocoatzi, H.(2024). Investigation of 76Se(18O, 17O)75Se and 76Se(18O, 19F)75As transfer reactions at 15 MeV/u in a multi-channel approach within the NUMEN project. Nuovo Cimento C-Coloquia and Communications in Physics, 47(2), 28.Özet
. - A full-comprehensive study of heavy-ion induced nuclear reac-tions is a powerful tool to characterize nuclear mean-field features as well as few-nucleon correlations in low-lying nuclear states. In this context, the investigation of 76Se(18O,17O)75Se and 76Se(18O,19F)75As transfer reactions was performed with the NUMEN project, aiming at providing data-driven information to constrain nu-clear structure models for the 76Se nucleus. This nucleus is under investigation since it is the daughter nucleus of 76Ge in the neutrinoless double beta decay (0 nu 1313) pro-cess. The experiment was performed at INFN-LNS where the 18O beam impinged the 76Se target and the reaction ejectiles were momentum analyzed by the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer.