Güncel Gönderiler: FEF, Biyoloji Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 581, listelenen: 21-40
Predicting the spatial distribution of Turkish hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) under changing climatic conditions
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024)Climate change is a phenomenon that can affect all living organisms. To see its effect, many methods and techniques have been improved recently. Species distribution modelling (SDM) is the most popular technique for this. ... -
A comprehensive comparative analysis on the codon usage bias of DNA polymerase genes in invertebrate iridescent viruses
(2024)Invertebrate iridescent viruses (IIVs) are classified as double-stranded DNA viruses within the Iridoviridae family. IIVs are viruses that infect invertebrate hosts, causing symptoms that vary in intensity from slight ... -
Analysis of volatile compounds of alcea calvertii boiss. And its antimicrobial, anticholinesterase, and antityrosinase potency
(2024)The research aimed to analyze the volatile compounds by using SPME-GC-MS and to detect anticholinesterase, antityrosinase, and antimicrobial potential of metanol extract of Alceacalvertii Boiss., an endemic species for ... -
Orta ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesindeki bal arılarında ve temel petekte Amerikan yavru çürüklüğünün teşhisi
(2023)Arıcılık, bal arılarının (Apis mellifera L.), bitkisel kaynakları kullanarak bal, polen, propolis, arı sütü gibi çeşitli ürünleri elde edebildiği bir yetiştiricilik faaliyetidir. Arılar, doğadaki bitki tozlaşmasındaki ... -
Türkiye Florası'na Katkı: Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. eriospermus (Asteraceae; Cichorieae)
(Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Eğitim ve Sağlık Kültür Sanat ve Doğal Varlıkları Koruma Vakfı, 2023)Tragopogon porrifolius L., Türkiye'den İspanya'ya kadar tüm Akdeniz havzasında doğal olarak yayılış gösteren, bazı üyeleri süs ve yenilebilir bitki olarak yetiştirilen dört taksondan oluşan karmaşık bir tür grubudur. “Flora ... -
The presence of microplastics in Baran’s newt (Neurergus barani Öz, 1994) and the spotted newt (Neurergus strauchii Steindachner, 1887)
(Springer, 2024)Microplastics (MPs), tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in size, have emerged as a common and worrying pollutant in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments worldwide. In this study, we revealed the microplastic ... -
Prevalence and phylogenetic network analysis of nosema apis and nosema ceranae isolates from honeybee colonies in Türkiye
(Springer, 2024)Purpose: Nosemosis is a disease that infects both Western honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) and Asian honeybees (Apis cerana) and causes colony losses and low productivity worldwide. In order to control nosemosis, it is important ... -
A data-driven bayes approach for investigating international safety management code-sourced detention of ships in port state controls
(Elsevier, 2024)For port authorities and shipping firms to enhance vessel quality and ensure safety of maritime, Port State Control (PSC) inspections are crucial. Notwithstanding the tremendous efforts made in recent years to improve PSC, ... -
Microplastics in honey from Türkiye: Occurrence, characteristic, human exposure, and risk assessment
(Elsevier, 2024)In this study, honey samples produced in Türkiye in 2023 were analyzed to assess occurrence of microplastics. The microplastics were physically and chemically characterised by stereomicroscope and FT-IR, respectively. ... -
Microplastic accumulation in a lizard species: Observations from the terrestrial environments
(Elsevier, 2024)Microplastics are a global environmental problem, polluting both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Terrestrial lizards are suitable model organisms to study human-induced pollution in these areas, as they can live in ... -
Exploring codon usage patterns and influencing factors in ranavirus DNA polymerase genes
(Wiley, 2024)Ranaviruses, members of the genus Ranavirus within the family Iridoviridae, have become a significant concern for amphibian populations globally, along with other cold-blooded vertebrates, due to their emergence as a ... -
Prevalence and molecular analysis of some important viruses in honey bee colonies in Türkiye: the status of multiple infections
(Springer, 2024)In this study, seven bee viruses of significant importance for bee health in Türkiye were investigated using one-step RT-PCR. For this purpose, larvae from 1183 hives and adult bees from 1196 hives were sampled from 400 ... -
Genetic variability and population genetic structure in the Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus (Boulenger, 1896) based on microsatellite markers
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024)The Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus (Boulenger, 1896), is endemic to Caucasia, and its population is decreasing. Here, we present information on the genetic structure and diversity of populations from four ... -
Bamboo biochar helps minimize Brassica phytotoxicity driven by toxic metals in naturally polluted soils of four mine zones
(Elsevier, 2024)Researchers have recently become interested in utilizing biochar amendment as an organic approach to enhance soil quality and minimize the mobility of toxic metals (TMs), which can help grow TM-tolerant plant species in ... -
DNA barcoding of tree frogs: Testing the existence of two mitochondrial lineages of hyla savignyi
(Springer, 2024)Abstract: DNA barcoding is a popular approach that can aid in identifying species and has led to the discovery of many new amphibian species. In this study, we first performed DNA barcoding for two Hylidae family representatives ... -
Contributions to the taxonomy of Periplocoideae and Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae) in Türkiye based on fruit and seed morphology
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024)In this study, the fruit and seed morphology of all the Periplocoideae (Periploca gracilis and P. graeca) and the majority of Asclepiadoideae (Araujia sericifera, Cionura erecta, Cynanchum acutum and Gomphocarpus fruticosus) ... -
Characterization of chitin and description of its antimicrobial properties obtained from Cydalima perspectalis adults
(Springer Nature, 2024)Chitin is the most abundant biopolymer group after cellulose and forms the exoskeleton of arthropods, the largest animal group. The morphology of chitin differs between and within species. In this study, we determined the ... -
Physicochemical characteristics, phenolic components, and antioxidant capacities of Lavender honey (Lavandula spp.) from Isparta region of Turkiye
(Wiley, 2024)Lavender honey is one of the most desirable blossom honeys for its unique taste and aromatic qualities and can vary significantly from one region to another. In this study, melissopalynological, physicochemical and antioxidant ... -
Life-history evolution in the orange-tailed skink populations living in different climates
(Wiley, 2024)The life-history traits of ectothermic animals can be influenced by many abiotic factors, including climate. As an ectothermic species, we questioned whether the life-history characteristics of the orange-tailed skink ... -
Microplastic pollution and risk assessment in packaged teas in Türkiye
(Springer Nature, 2024)Abstract: This article presents the first-ever findings on the release of MPs (microplastics) from tea bags containing tea leaves into tea infusions in Türkiye. The study aimed to investigate the possible distribution and ...