Güncel Gönderiler: FEF, Fizik Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 352, listelenen: 61-80
Influence of deposition pressure of elemental Sn on structural, optical, electrical and schottky diode properties of SnS thin films grown by two-stage method
(Springer, 2023)In the present study, SnS thin films were grown by two-stage method including sputtering deposition of elemental Sn films at various deposition pressures (6, 9, 12 ,15 and 18 mTorr) followed by sulfurization process carried ... -
Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)(Te,S)(2) thin films grown on stainless steel foil substratesIo
(IOP Publishing, 2023)In this study, Cu(In,Ga)(Te,S)(2) (CIGTS) thin films with [Ga]/([In] +/- [Ga]) atomic ratios in the ranges of 0.22-0.28 and 0.50-0.67 were fabricated using a two-stage technique. During the first stage of the technique, ... -
Investigation of MgB2 bulk superconductors synthesized by in situ spark plasma sintering at different temperatures
(Elsevier, 2023)In this research, the synthesis of MgB2 bulk superconductor with in-situ spark plasma sintering technique at different temperatures and the impacts of these sintering temperatures on the critical parameters (density, phase ... -
Enhancing magnetic levitation and guidance force and weight efficiency of high-temperature superconducting maglev systems by using sliced bulk YBCO
(Wiley, 2023)We aimed to enhance the magnetic force efficiency of Maglev systems without increasing total weight. For this aim, we divided YBCO bulks into three slices horizontally to utilize the YBCO-permanent magnetic guideway (PMG) ... -
Anti-reflective effect of CeO2 thin films produced by sol-gel method on crystalline silicon solar cells
(Springer, 2023)In this study, considering the good optical properties of CeO2 thin films, their anti-reflective effect on crystalline silicon solar cells was investigated. First molarity and then coating speed optimizations were carried ... -
Enhancing label-free biosensing with cryogenic temperature-induced plasmonic structures
(Springer, 2023)Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit distinct nearfield properties that offer potential advantages for label-free biosensing applications. By generating strong interactions between light and matter, these nanoparticles can be ... -
Dynamic magnetic properties of spin-7/2 multilayer Ising system in an oscillating magnetic field
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2023)We studied the dynamic magnetic properties such as dynamic phase transitions, dynamic compensation temperatures, and dynamic phase diagrams in the spin-7/2 multilayer Ising system under an oscillating external magnetic ... -
Deposition and characterization of the Ag nanoparticles on absorbable surgical sutures at the cryogenic temperatures
(Springer Heidelberg, 2023)Surgical sutures are one of the most widely used medical devices for wound closure. In the meantime, the suture surface and area may be exposed to many microorganisms, and surgical site infections may develop in these ... -
Intersubband transitions in nonpolar ZnO/BeMgZnO quantum wells: effects of physical dimension, concentration and donor level
(Igdir University, 2022)Polar ve semipolar yönlerde büyütülen BeMgZnO bariyer tabakaları üzerindeki ZnO kuyu katmanlarının polarizasyon özellikleri araştırıldı. Gevşemiş ve gerilmiş bariyer katmanların durumları göz önünde bulunduruldu. ... -
Improved performance of CdS powder-based hybrid solar cells through surface modification
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2021)The effects of surface modification of CdS through organic Eosin-Y, indoline D205, and Ru-based complex N719 and N3 dyes on CdS-based hybrid solar cells were studied. Chemical bath deposition (CBD) and doctor blade methods ... -
Üçlü ters parabolik kuantum bariyer çift kuyu potansiyelinde enerji seviyeleri ile elektron geçişinin örgü parametreleri ve yoğun lazer alanına bağlılığının incelenmesi
(Marmara Üniversitesi, 2021)Bu çalışmanın amacı, yoğun lazer alanı altında GaAs/AlGaAs lardan oluşan üçlü ters parabolik kuantum bariyer çift kuyu potansiyelinde elektronik iletimi ve enerji seviyelerinin bariyer genişlikleri, lazer alanı giydirme ... -
Hierarchical clustering of selected countries according to the variables of population, national income and exports of goods and services
(2021)The changes in the population, gross domestic product (GDP) and exports of goods and services of the 32 countries that we have selected for 25 years have annually been examined. In this study, we use hierarchical ... -
The radiation shielding properties of the low temperature alloys
(Afyon Kocatepe University, 2021)Solder alloys are significant for many applications. In addition to the physical electrical and magnetic properties of solders, it is of great importance to determine the shielding properties of the materials in order ... -
Determination of heavy metal levels in some moss samples collected from near the highways in Burdur province
(Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, 2021)The main sources of atmospheric heavy metals deposition are agricultural activities, fossil fuels, central heating stations and the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. In this study, the total of 29 mosses samples were ... -
Polarization effects on intersubband absorption in GaN/ZnGeN2 quantum wells
(Igdir University, 2021)The effects of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations on the intersubband absorption in the GaN/ZnGeN2 quantum well are studied. Schrödinger and Poisson equations are solved self-consistently. The first order linear ... -
Mechanical and radiation attenuation properties of conventional and heavy concrete with diverse aggregate and water/cement ratios
(Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, 2022)This paper presents the results of comprehensive laboratory work conducted for investigating the mechanical and radiation attenuation characteristics of heavyweight concrete produced with pyrite, chromium, and magnetite ... -
Effect of ultra-thin CdSexTe1−x interface layer on parameters of CdTe solar cells
(Elsevier, 2022)Effects of an ultra-thin CdSexTe1-x junction interface layer on CdTe solar cell parameters were investigated employing a CdSexTe1-x/CdTe absorber structure. CdSexTe1-x thin films with varying composition were grown by ... -
Bazı seramiklerin düşük enerjili gamalar için radyasyon soğurma kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi
(TUBITAK, 2021)İnsanların çoğu zamanını binaların (ev, ofis, okul, avm vs.) içerisinde geçirdiği göz önünde bulundurulduğunda yapı malzemelerinin radyasyon tutuculuk özelliklerinin önemli olduğu görülür. Bu bağlamda binalarda sıkça ... -
Radiological health risks assessment and antioxidant activities of beehive honeys: a case study of Manisa province, Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022)The physicochemical contents, antioxidant capacities, and radiological contamination levels of 20 honey samples were studied in this study to show the quality of the hive honey. Moreover, some antioxidant activities and ... -
Fabrication of CdS nanospheres-based hybrid solar cells having increased efficiency
(Springer, 2022)The impact of surface modification through diverse dyes (Eosin-Y, D205, N719 and N3) on structural, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of CdS/P3HT hybrid solar cells is studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern ...