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dc.contributor.authorKurt, Tuğba Birben
dc.contributor.authorYıldırım, Necmiye Un
dc.identifier.citationKurt, T.B. & Yıldırım, N.U. (2024). The relationship between the functional movement screen and isokinetic muscle strength around the knee in different sports. Sport Sciences for Health.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine objective data of the relationship between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and isokinetic muscle strength around the knee in individuals engaged in different sports. The study included 60 athletes involved in volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestling, speed skating, athletics, and taekwondo. The functional movement of the athletes, and lower extremity isokinetic muscle strength were evaluated with FMS and ISOMED 2000 (R) isokinetic device. The relationship was examined between the FMS total and sub-test scores and the lower extremity isokinetic muscle strength values. A correlation was found between the FMS total score and the hamstring peak torque of the dominant side at 60 degrees/s angular velocity, and between the H/Q ratio and the difference in quadriceps isokinetic muscle strength between the dominant and non-dominant sides (r: - 0.277, r: - 0.330, r: 0.015). A correlation was determined between the FMS sub-test In-line Lunge and the difference between the H/Q ratio on the non-dominant side at 60 degrees/s angular velocity and hamstring isokinetic muscle strength (r: -0.458, r: - 0.296). The In-line Lunge test was also determined to be correlated with the H/Q ratios on the dominant and non-dominant sides at 180 degrees/s angular velocity and the hamstring isokinetic muscle strength difference (r:0.291, r:0.258, respectively). The FMS sub-test of Rotary Stability was correlated with the H/Q ratio on the dominant side at 60 degrees angular velocity (r:-0.270). The relationships found between FMS and isokinetic analysis data showed that both types of assessments are valuable on their own. But we believe that using both together during athlete evaluation to prevent possible injuries will yield the best results for athletes' health.en_US
dc.subjectPhysical functional performanceen_US
dc.subjectMuscle imbalanceen_US
dc.subjectMuscle strengthen_US
dc.titleThe relationship between the functional movement screen and isokinetic muscle strength around the knee in different sportsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Güneysu Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu, Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKurt, Tuğba Birben
dc.relation.journalSport Sciences for Healthen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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