Coexistence of celiac disease and allergic wheat sensitivity: an observational study of daily clinical practice
Önalan, TuğbaÇölkesen, Fatih
Akçal, Tacettin
Gerek, Mehmet Emin
Akkuş, Fatma Arzu
Evcen, Recep
Kılınç, Mehmet
Aykan, Filiz Sadi
Arslan, Şevket
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Onalan, T., Colkesen, F., Akcal, T., Gerek, M. E., Akkus, F. A., Evcen, R., Kilinc, M., Aykan, F. S., & Arslan, S. (2024). Coexistence of Celiac Disease and Allergic Wheat Sensitivity: An Observational Study of Daily Clinical Practice. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 1–9.Özet
Introduction: Although separate immunogenic mechanisms are involved, IgE-type sensitization to wheat and celiac disease (CD) may coexist. We observationally assessed the importance of this relationship in daily practice using CD and wheat sensitization screenings. Methods: Celiac antibody (CA) screening and food prick tests (FPTs) were requested simultaneously from patients who presented to the Allergy Clinic between January 2022 and December 2023 and had any complaint accompanied by CD symptoms/findings (non-celiac group). Patients with positive CA (CA+) underwent endoscopy. As another group, FPT results were recorded for patients previously diagnosed with CD following a gluten-free diet (celiac group). Results: In total, 169 patients (124 non-celiac and 45 celiac) were included in the study. Wheat prick positivity (WP+) was observed in 1 patient with CD. Among 65 WP+ patients without a CD diagnosis, 14 (20.3%) tested positive for CA+, and histopathology detected CD in 4 of these cases. Among the 59 WP- patients, 4 (8.8%) had CA+. The CA+ status of those with WP+ was significantly higher than those with WP- (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The 4 patients unaware of their CD exhibited WP+, with a higher rate of CA+ observed in the WP+ group. The association between WP+ and CA+ suggests that an impaired intestinal barrier may lead to simultaneous T helper 1 and 2 type inflammatory responses. Although different types of sensitization to the same food would not typically be expected, growing evidence indicates that this phenomenon does occur. Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings and to explore the underlying causes.