Recent results on the analysis of the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV: single charge exchange reaction

Göster/ Aç
Sgouros, OnoufriosCappuzzello, Francesco
Cavallaro, Manuela
Carbone, Diana
Agodi, Clementina
Brischetto, Giuseppe A.
Calvo, Daniela
Lomelí, Efraín R. Chávez
Ciraldo, Irene
Gregorio, Giovanni D.
Delaunay, Franck
Djapo, Haris
Eke, Canel
Finocchiaro, Paolo
Fisichella, Maria
Gargano, Angela
Guazzelli, Marcilei A.
Hacısalihoğlu, Aylin
Linares, Roberto
Lubian, Jesus
Medina, Nilberto H.
Moralles, Maurício
Oliveira, Josè R.B.
Pakou, Athina
Pandola, Luciano
Soukeras, Vasileios
Souliotis, George
Spatafora, Alessandro
Torresi, Domenico
Yıldırım, Aydın
; Zagatto, Vinicius A.B.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Sgouros, O., Cappuzzello, F., Cavallaro, M., Carbone, D., Agodi, C., Brischetto, G. A., ... Calvo, D.(2024). Recent results on the analysis of the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV: single charge exchange reaction . 7th International Workshop of the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics on Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reaction Dynamics, HINPw 2024, Ioannina, Greece.Özet
The present work is inherent to the NUMEN project that aims at providing data-driven information for the nuclear matrix elements of the neutrinoless double beta decay through the study of heavy-ion induced double charge exchange reactions. This is a formidable task since during a nuclear collision, the same final states may be populated through various reaction mechanisms. In this respect, understanding the degree of competition between successive nucleon transfer and charge exchange reactions is crucial for the proper description of the meson-exchange mechanism. To this purpose, the reaction dynamics in the 18O+48Ti collision were sought by measuring a plethora of reaction channels under the same experimental conditions. The 48Ti was chosen as target since it is the daughter nucleus of 48Ca in double beta decay. The relevant experiment was performed at the MAGNEX facility of INFN-LNS in Catania. In this contribution, the status of the analysis for the 48Ti(18O,18F)48Sc single charge exchange reaction will be presented.