The effect of embryo transfer loadıng volume on clınıcal pregnancy rates ın normoresponders underwent long agonıst protocol ıntracytoplasmıc sperm ınjectıon cycles wıth sıngle embryo transfer
Guven, S., Odaci, E., Yulug, E., Kart, C., Unsal, M., Guven, E.S.G. (2013). The effect of embryo transfer loadıng volume on clınıcal pregnancy rates ın normoresponders underwent long agonıst protocol ıntracytoplasmıc sperm ınjectıon cycles wıth sıngle embryo transfer. Fertility and Sterility, 100(3), S463-S463.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to investigate the effect of embryo transfer
loading volume on clinical pregnancy rate in normoresponder patients undergoing long agonist protocol intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles with single embryo transfer.