Rize ili kıyı şeridinde bakteriyolojik kirliliğin araştırılması
Taşpınar, B., Verep, B., Terzi, E. & Çetindemir, D. (2015). Rize İli Kıyı Şeridinde Bakteriyolojik Kirliliğin Araştırılması. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni 15(2), 17-27.Abstract
Bu çalışmada Rize ili kıyı sularının bakteriyolojik kirlilik seviyesinin belirlenmesi amacıyla dört farklı istasyondan mevsimsel olarak alınan su örnekleri incelenmiştir. Rize ili şehir merkezi kıyı şeridini temsilen Fener Mahallesi Sahili, Merkez Balıkçı Barınağı ve İslampaşa Yat Limanı ve şehir merkezi dışında ise İyidere ilçesi Sarayköy Balıkçı Barınağı ve Aile Plajı örnekleme istasyonları olarak tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen su örneklerinde bakteriyolojik kirlilik araştırması Çoklu Tüp Fermantasyon (MTF) ve En Muhtemel Sayı (EMS) metoduna göre gerçekleştirilmiş olup fizikokimyasal su In this study, It has been investigated the water samples from four different stations to determine of bacteriological pollution level in the coastal water of Rize. There were four stations in the research area, one from out of town as İyidere- SaraykÖy fisheries port and beach, the others were selected in the city centre coast as Fener beach, Central fisheries port, Islampaşa marina. Determining method of bacteriological water pollution is Multiple Tube-gas Fermentation (MPN) and physico-chemical water quality parameters were measured with a multi parameter gasprobe by electrometric and potentiometric methods, seasonally. The results of faecal and total coli form bacteria levels were evaluated with Turkish Regulations related to swimming water quality standards. In study, there was no important difference between station in terms of physico-chemical water quality parameters but in the station of Central fisheries port, it has been measured as low level dissolved oxygen in autumn and winter season. It has been found appropriate situations in terms of other physico-chemical parameters. In Fener and Islampaşa stations, it has been determined the bacteriological pollution in terms of total coli form bacteria level when the results were evaluated in the season of autumn. In the winter season, no stations were exceed the maximum level of faecal coli form but the results were showed that the maximum level of total coli form bacteria were exceed in the Fener Mh. beach. In the spring season, no stations were exceeding the maximum level of faecal coli form but the results showed that the maximum level of total coli form bacteria exceed in the Islampaşa marina. There were no stations with faecal and total coli form pollution in the season of summer. In the result of the bacteriological water pollution research in the costal water of Rize city, Iyidere-SaraykÖy fisheries port and people beach coastal waters were very clean during the year in terms of human health and Turkish Regulations related to swimming water quality standards. On the other hand, no faecal pollution in the stations of city centre of Rize, but total coli form bacteria level was rarely exceeded the limits. In Rize, the domestic and waste water of city centre of sewage discharges with deep discharge system. According to these results, it may be expressed that the coastal water of Rize city centre is not suitable for swimming in terms of human health and Turkish Regulations related to swimming water quality standards but the beaches of outside of town is acceptable for swimming and other recreational efforts.