Could lithium be a new hope in COVID-19 treatment? A case report
Sönmez, D., & Hocaoğlu, Ç. (2021). Could Lithium Be a New Hope in COVID-19 Treatment? A Case Report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33(2), 254–255.Özet
The World Health Organization identified a new type of
coronavirus (COVID-19) that was not previously detected in
humans on January 5, 2020. It has been declared a pandemic
by WHO as of March 12, 2020 (Liu et al. 2020). To date, more
than 127 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 2.78
million deaths attributable to it have been reported worldwide.
COVID-19 infection still continues its effects all over the world
and in our country.
Psychiatria DanubinaCilt