Assessment of human error contribution to maritime pilot transfer operation under HFACS-PV and SLIM approach
Aydin, M., Ugurlu, O. & Boran, M. (2022). Assessment of human error contribution to maritime pilot transfer operation under HFACS-PV and SLIM approach. Ocean Engineering, 266(2), 112830.
Human factor plays an important role in sustainable maritime transportation. Human errors are the leading cause of death or injuries during maritime pilot transfer operations despite international regulations. This paper proposes a hybrid human factors analysis model, comprised of qualitative and quantitative approaches by combining Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM) and Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) methods, to obtain the seafarers' errors in the pilot boarding and disembarking. Human errors in the maritime pilot transfer process are determined by examining accident reports, literature reviews and expert judgments. Accidents and near misses are often poorly reported in the maritime industry. Therefore, determining human error probability (HEP) is of paramount importance in maritime transportation. This paper conducts an empirical human error prediction for a maritime pilot transfer operation to enhance operational safety and minimize human errors, providing a methodological extension through the integration of the HFACS technique into the SLIM. Utilizing HFACS and SLIM constitutes the unique contribution of this paper by predicting the possibility of human error since it presents the first application of the maritime industry. Thus, possible loss of life and injury will be prevented, the sustainability of maritime safety will be contributed, and pilots will be provided to work in a safe environment.