MEB tarafından psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik hizmetleri ile ilgili olarak yayınlanan yönetmeliklerdeki kararların değerlendirilmesi
Camadan, F. (2021). MEB tarafından psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik hizmetleri ile ilgili olarak yayınlanan yönetmeliklerdeki kararların değerlendirilmesi. Milli Eğitim, 50(230), 1015-1038.Özet
The purpose of this research is to examine the decisions in the regulations published by the Ministry of National Education regarding Psychological Counselling and Guidance services dated December 16, 1985, April 17, 2001, November 10, 2017 and August 14, 2020. The data of this research, which is a case study conducted within the framework of qualitative research approach, was analyzed with document analysis. Eight questions were determined in the examination of the decisions in the regulations and these questions were answered by taking into account all regulations. In the preparation of the mentioned questions, decisions that differ significantly from each other in the regulations were taken into account. As a result of the research; In terms of the names of the regulations, the definitions in the regulations, the names of the psychological counseling and guidance units, the title given to the personnel who will carry out the psychological counseling and guidance services, the decision regarding the necessary situation regarding the graduation of the personnel who will carry out the psychological counseling and guidance services, the regulations published in 1985 by regulation; It is understood that the regulation published in 2001 is similar to the regulation published in 2020. While the concept and emphasis of “guidance” came to the fore in the regulations of 1985 and 2017; In the regulations of 2001 and 2020, the concept and emphasis of “psychological counseling” became more evident. Therefore, a regulation was published in 2001 after 1985, but it is seen that there is a return to 1985 as of the decisions taken with the regulation in 2017. However, in 2020, it was determined that the understanding of 2001 was returned again and arrangements were made in this direction.