Investigation of the ways prospective mathematics teachers respond to students’ errors: An example of the equal sign
Özdemir, E. & Dede, E. (2022). Investigation of the ways prospective mathematics teachers respond to students’ errors: An example of the equal sign. IOJET, 9(2), 723-739.Özet
This study aims to determine how prospective middle school mathematics teachers
respond to students’ errors in the questions about the equal sign. This study utilizes case
study method. In this case study, hypothetical scenarios, involving three common error types
related to the equal sign, have been prepared by using the possible examples of student work.
Through these scenarios, one-to-one interviews were conducted with seven prospective
middle school mathematics teachers. In line with the data obtained in these interviews, it was
seen that the prospective teachers used seven different ways to respond to students’ errors
related to the equal sign: showing the error, showing the right solution, guiding to find the
right answer, guiding to find the error, re-explaining the concept, in-depth research, and false
intervention. In addition, it was determined that two prospective teachers intervened
incorrectly by taking an approach that could support the thought that led to the error. In the
light of the findings, it was seen that the prospective teachers had a limited understanding of
the equal sign. This study suggests that mathematics educators should create appropriate
learning opportunities to improve prospective teachers’ understanding of the equal sign and
their ability to respond to students’ errors