Electronically controllable fully floating memcapacitor circuit
Gür, M., Akar, F., Orman, K., Babacan, Y., Yeşil, A. & Gül, F. (2023). Electronically Controllable Fully Floating Memcapacitor Circuit. Circuits Systems and Signal Processing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-023-02448-6Özet
Memcapacitor is a type of capacitor but exhibits nonlinear behavior, and its capacitance depends on the past capacitance value. Researchers focused on the memcapacitors and meminductors upon postulation of memristor which is the forth passive fundamental circuit element. Memcapacitor emulator circuits have continuously been designed by researchers since it cannot be found as discrete circuit elements. A number of memcapacitor emulators have been offered in the literature to investigate its usability in CMOS designs. However, the offered designs have some insufficiencies such as grounded restriction, being composed of complex structure, etc. In this study, we designed a simple multioutput operational transconductance amplifier (MO-OTA)-based fully floating and electronically controllable memcapacitor emulator circuit. The circuit is composed of only two MO-OTAs, two analog multipliers, two grounded passive elements, and four transistors. This proposed circuit can also be implemented in VLSI and on breadboard using discrete circuit elements. Performance analyses were completed via using TSMC 0.18 & mu;m parameters. Finally, the obtained results of the proposed fully floating emulator circuit are consistent with the expected memcapacitors behavior. This makes the circuit suitable for ideal memcapacitor emulator.