Başlık için Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 48, listelenen: 1-20
17+1 platformu’nun beklenmeyen sonuçları: Avrupa yeniden mi bölünüyor?
(2021)2000 sonrası dönemde Çin, dünya tarihinin en önemli ekonomik mucizelerinden birini gerçekleştirmiştir. Çin dış politikasının öncelikleri, ülkenin ekonomik hedeflerine ulaşmasına katkıda bulunacak şekilde belirlenir ... -
Avrupa Birliği’nin İstanbul Sözleşmesine katılım süreci: Yeni bir ulusüstücülük-hükümetlerarasıcılık rekabeti mi?
(Marmara Üniversitesi, 2021)Bu çalışmanın odak noktasında Avrupa Birliği’nin İstanbul Sözleşmesine katılım süreci ve bu süreçte farklı tercihlere sahip aktörler arasındaki tartışma ve rekabet yer almaktadır. Avrupa’da 1950’li yılların sonunda varlık ... -
Britain's future in Europe: the known plan A to Remain or the Unknown plan B to leave
(Wiley, 2017)Ever since their very beginning, the relations between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) were never unproblematic. This has not changed a lot since the start of the UK’s membership of the EC in 1973. ... -
Broadening the nongovernmental humanitarian mission: the IHH and mediation
(Seta Foundation, 2015)The IHH delivers relief aid to 140 countries worldwide. Quite recently, as a novel humanitarian practice, the IHH has begun acting as a mediator in intra-state conflicts and even accumulated considerable experience in it. ... -
Cascade of Post-Kemalist norms to Kosovo
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)In the previous chapter, I showed the substantial role of identity politics in norm mobilisation. It is, moreover, identity politics which renders possible the norm cascade. Confirming this, the emergent post-Kemalist norms ... -
Demokrat Parti döneminde Türkiye-Sovyetler Birliği ilişkileri: İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası dönemin mirası ve soğuk savaş etkisi
(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi - Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021)Türkiye’de çok partili hayata geçilmesinin ardından kurularak 1950-1960 döneminde iktidar gücünü kullanan Demokrat Parti, Türk siyasal hayatının en önemli aktörlerinden biri olmuştur. Soğuk Savaşın hüküm sürdüğü bir ... -
Devlet egemenliği ve diplomaside yaşanan değişim: paradiplomasi (ulus-altı diplomasi) üzerine bir analiz
(2023)Devlet egemenliği ve diplomasi, modern uluslararası siyasal sistemin birbiriyle yakından ilişkili iki önemli yapı taşı görünümündedir. Modern uluslararası siyasal sistemde, egemenliklerini karşılıklı olarak kabul eden temel ... -
Diffusionism and beyond in IR norm research
(Routledge, 2021)This article suggests the relevance of diffusionism in discussing the past, the present, and the future of the International Relations (IR) norm diffusion literature. The paper argues, thus, that IR norm research has ... -
Emergence of post-kemalist norms concerning outside Turks
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)The post-Kemalist transformation of Turkey was shown to have emerged thanks to the novel emancipatory and atavist discourses in the country that have given previously deprived groups adequate room in the economic and ... -
Enflasyonun tarihsel belirleyenleri: Türkiye ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı
(2023)Türkiye, İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda aktif bir tarafsızlık politikası uygulamasına rağmen politik ve ekonomik alanda önemli sorunlar ile karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Bu süreçte sıklıkla savaşa girmemek için diplomatik manevralara ... -
Fragmented local normative orders, unresolved localizations, and the contesting of gender equality norms in Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022)This paper examines the localization process of the global gender equality norm in Turkey and argues that the normative contestations on this concern, among rival political blocs and activist groups, have not allowed any ... -
Framing as lobbying with limited resources: A conceptual discussion on contemporary ethnic lobbying in the US
(2023)Due to the main characteristic of the American society as well as its political system, ethnic lobbying has become an important concept and activity in order to influence the domestic and foreign policy of the United ... -
Global gender equality norm and trade unions in Turkey: Local contestations, rival validations, and discrepant receptions
(İstanbul University Press, 2022)Gender equality is a global norm, and the existing norm mechanisms attribute to trade unions globally a stakeholder position in norm diffusion and promotion. This is well-articulated in the official documents and the ... -
A history of "Who speaks for Islam?" in Bosnia-Herzegovina: An official versus popular Islam debate
(Hale Sivgin, 2017)This paper examines the organisation of popular and official Islam during and after communism in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Through studying the interaction between the popular and the official forms of Islam in the historical ... -
Hiyerarşik iktidar ilişkileri ve toplumsal cinsiyet: uluslararası ilişkiler disiplininde hegemonik ikilikler ve eril aklın eleştirisi
(2022)Bu çalışma, Joan W. Scott’ın iktidar ilişkilerini merkeze alan toplumsal cinsiyet yaklaşımından hareketle, Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplinindeki hegemonik ikili karşıtlıkların ve hiyerarşik iktidar ilişkilerinin ... -
The impact of the European Court of Human Rights over local norms: The case of Turkey
(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021)The article aims at exploring the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the local norms of Turkey, a topic that has been understudied, given its burgeoning significance. The Court is institutionally able to ... -
(In)securitising post-Soviet Space through security policies: Russian and the western concerns on the colour revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia
(2023)This article mainly elaborates the relations between Russia and the West during and after the Cold War. Both sides saw each other as a security threat during the Cold War. After 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed, this ... -
International framing competition over the women's protection units (YPJ): A comparison between the American and Russian media framings
(Sage Publications, 2024)This article analyses the framing approaches of the Voice of America and Sputnik in the context of international framing competition since these are significant public diplomacy channels for the foreign policies of the ... -
Intra-conservative bloc contestations on gender equality in Turkey - norm reception in fragmented normative orders
(Sage Publications, 2022)This research problematizes the contested nature of the global norm diffusion by focusing on intra-group rivalries and fragmentations shaping local responses (often reactionary and resistant) to global norms. Such an ... -
Kemalist policy towards the outside Turks
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)The peculiar adventure of the notion of Outside Turks began with the territorial shrinking of the Ottoman Empire and the remaining Turkish-speaking communities left outside of this empire before and after its collapse. In ...