Başlık için TF, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 1192, listelenen: 1-20
Abdominal compartment syndrome due to pelvic hematoma which developed after hysterectomy: Case report
(2013)Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is defined as intraabdominal hypertension. A fourty-seven-years-old patient was admitted to our outpatient clinic with complaint of vaginal bleeding. Total abdominal hysterectomy and ... -
Abdominal oxygen saturation for monitoring return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using near infrared spectrophometry
(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2015)Aim: We used near-infrared spectrophotometry to assess the initial and final abdominal and cerebral saturations during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest to determine if ... -
Abdominoplasti esnasında laparoskopik kolesistektomi: Olgu sunumu
(2013)Giriş: Abdominal gevşeklik, rektus diastazı ve kolelitiyazis tanısı koyup aynı seansta trokar giriş yeri izi olmadan yapmış olduğumuz laparoskopik kolesistektomi ve abdominoplasti olgusunu sunmayı amaçladık. Olgu: 58 yaşında ... -
Abortus imminens tanılı olgularda antikardiyolipin antikor pozitifliği ile gebelik sonuçları arasındaki ilişki
(2019)Amaç: Düşük tehdidi (abortus imminens) tüm gebelerin %10-20’sinde görülebilen önemli bir komplikasyondur. Subkoryonik hematom abortus imminensin prognozunda önemli bir parametredir ancak subkoryonik hematomun neden oluştuğu ... -
The accuracy of the Hounsfield unit in pulmonary embolism diagnostics
(Seoul Korean Soc Emergency Medicine, 2024)Objective Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a vascular disease that is most frequently diagnosed using the radiological imaging technique computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). In this study, we aimed to demonstrate ... -
Accurate use of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients with keratoconus reply
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015)... -
Acil servis çalışanlarının hasta haklarına bakışı
(2015)Amaç: Hasta hakları; insan haklarının bir alt başlığını oluşturur ve insanoğlunun doğumdan itibaren kazandığı temel haklar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesi ve hasta memnuniyetinde önemli ... -
Acquired epidermoid cyst in the lower lip: Case report
(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2011)Epidermoid cysts of traumatic origin are typically reported on the palms, fingers and soles. Only a small number of cases have been described in oral and perioral soft tissues. A 22-year old male patient presented with a ... -
Acquired tufted angioma: Case report
(2013)Tufted angiom deri ve deri altında lokalize nadir görülen benign vasküler bir neoplazmdır. Olguların yarısı yaşamın ilk yılında görülür. Histopatolojik incelemesinde, dermisde kapiller ve endotelyal hücrelerin oluşturduğu ... -
Acute airway compromise due to ruptured inferior thyroid artery aneurysm
(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2015)A cervical hematoma secondary to the spontaneous rupture of an aneurysm is an uncommon but catastrophic life-threatening condition because it can potentially obstruct the airway. Inferior thyroid artery aneurysm and rupture ... -
Acute appendicis caused by enteronius vermicularis and taenia Spp.: Case report
(2013)Tüm dünyada acil cerrahi operasyonların en sık nedeni akut apandisittir. Helmintler, bak- teri ve viruslar gibi akut apandisit tablosu oluşturabilirler. Ancak apendiksin Enterobius vermikülaris ve Tenya spp. ile eş zamanlı ... -
Acute effect of spinal anesthesia on ıntraocular pressure
(2013)Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, supin pozisyonda alt ekstremite cerrahisi geçiren hastalarda, spinal anestezinin göz içi basıncı (GİB) üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Spinal anestezi uygulamasından önce ... -
The acute effects of preoperative ozone theraphy on surgical wound healing
(Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2016)PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of preoperative rectal ozone insufflation on surgical wound healing over the proinflammatory cytokines and histopathological changes. METHODS: Twenty one rabbits were divided into 3 ... -
The acute effects of single cup of coffee on ocular biometric parameters in healthy subjects
(Elsevier, 2019)Purpose: To evaluate ocular biometric changes in healthy subjects after caffeine consumption from a cup of coffee. Methods: A total of 36 subjects were included in this prospective observational study. Axial length (AL) ... -
Acute fulminant myocarditis successfully bridged to recovery with left ventricular assist device and complicated by flail mitral valve
(Tehran Heart Center, 2016)Acute fulminant myocarditis is a life-threatening inflammatory disease of the myocardium characterized by the rapid deterioration of the hemodynamic status of the affected individual. With prompt recognition and appropriate ... -
Acute stroke organization in emergency services
(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2024)Health systems worldwide categorize health facilities according to the feasibility of acute stroke treatment and, if feasible, the level of this treatment. This type of organization starts with screening, identifying, and ... -
Adalimumab ameliorates abdominal aorta cross clamping which induced liver injury in rats
(Hindawi Ltd, 2014)The aim of this study was to investigate the possible protective effects of adalimumab (ADA) on cell damage in rat liver tissue during ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury of infrarenal abdominal aorta. Thirty male Wistar-albino ... -
Added value of diffusion-weighted MR imaging to non-enhanced CT in the evaluation of acute appendicitis
(Kowsar Publ, 2018)Background: Although non-enhanced CT (NECT) can be applied for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in obligatory conditions such as impaired renal function, it is not as effective as contrast-enhanced CT. Objectives: This ... -
Adenoidektomi, tonsillektomi ve adenotonsillektomi planlanan pediatrik hastalarda ortalama trombosit hacmi, nötrofil/lenfosit oranı, trombosit/lenfosit oranı ve erken postoperatif anestezi komplikasyonları
(2022)Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, adenoidektomi, tonsillektomi ve adenotonsillektomi geçiren çocuklarda sık kullanılan sistemik inflamasyon belirteçlerinden ortalama trombosit hacmi (OTH), nötrofil/lenfosit oranı (NLO), trombosit/lenfosit ... -
Adenomyomas of the gallbladder: An analysis of frequency, clinicopathologic associations, and relationship to carcinoma of a malformative lesion
(2023)Context.—The nature and associations of gallbladder (GB) ‘‘adenomyoma’’ (AM) remain controversial. Some studies have attributed up to 26% of GB carcinoma to AMs. Objective.—To examine the true frequency, clinicopathologic ...